- нагороди
- Освоєння Ділянки Сонця
- Територія Армії розколоти Сонця
- Святилище Сонячного Краю
- Збройна Сонячного Краю
- Порт Сонячного Краю
- Алхімічна Лабораторія і Меморіал
- завершення
- завдання
- нейтральний
Армія розколоти Сонця (Shattered Sun Offensive) - армія ельфів крові і дренеев покликана перешкодити Кель'тасу Сонячному блукачам використовувати сонячний Колодязь для призову майстра Кіл'джеден . Пришестя Кіл'джеден в Азерот спричинить кінець усьому живому в цьому світі, тому Алдор - дренейскіе жерці і провидці - маги-ельфи крові об'єдналися для спільної боротьби. Основні операції сконцентровані на острові Кель'Данас , Де розташований Сонячний Колодязь.
Головна база наступальних сил розташована на Острові Кель'Данас, в області званої сонячний Край , В північно-західному куті острова. В першу чергу, Наступальние сили зосереджені на повернення під свій контроль Сонячного Краю, а саме святилища , потім збройової і наостанок, порту . порт контролюється кривавими ельфами Клинка Світанку , Лояльними до Кель'тасу, а також демонічними силами палаючого Легіону , Які прийшли за покликом принца. Члени наступальних сил також покликані битися в терасі Магістрів з елітними силами Кель'таса, а в кінці і з ним самим. Однак, тільки найвідважніші мандрівники Азерота зможуть вступити на Плато Сонячного Криниці , Щоб не дати Кіл'джедену зруйнувати світи Азерота.
Наступальні сили Зруйнованого сонця - це нова фракція, додана в оновленні 2.4 з відкриттям острова Кель'Данас і його підземель. До того ж до NPC на Кель'Данасе, було додано кілька завдань в Шаттрат , А також безліч NPC близько тераси Світу , Позначених як члени наступальних сил (до поновлення 2.4, все NPC близько Тераси ставилися до Алдорскім дренеям).
Опис фракції в грі: Остання і рішуча спроба Шаттрат відігнати принца Кель'таса від Сонячного Криниці.
Також, коли гравці повернути контроль над збройової з'явиться кілька нових NPC, включаючи коваль Хаутау , продавець знак справедливості . А після захоплення порту і активації алхімічна Лабораторія NPC Шаан почне продавати різні предмети для виробництва коштовностей .
Освоєння Ділянки Сонця

для списку всіх НІПов розташованих в кожній фазі. Завдання відмічені знаком † необхідні для переходу в необхідну фазу.
Територія Армії розколоти Сонця
When the first players reach the Isle of Quel'Danas , The Shattered Sun Offensive's base of operations at Sun's Reach will only consist of the night elven ship they came on and a small camp, the Shattered Sun Staging Area . As players complete daily quests for the Shattered Sun Offensive, they will progressively take over buildings on the island, unlocking more resources and quests.
Святилище Сонячного Краю
The first building to be reclaimed is the Sun's Reach Sanctum . The daily quests [70 Daily] Erratic Behavior † and
[70 Daily] The Sanctum Wards † count toward securing this objective. Upon retaking the Sanctum, a Trade Supplies vendor and two additional quest givers will appear, while players may also continue repeating the daily quests, via
[70 Daily] Further Conversions and
[70 Daily] Arm the Wards! .
Збройна Сонячного Краю
Once players have retaken the Sanctum, the next step is recovering the Sun's Reach Armory . The two daily quests directly associated with retaking the Armory are [70 Daily] The Battle for the Sun's Reach Armory † and
[70 Daily] Distraction at the Dead Scar †. Once the Armory has been retaken, four PvP armor vendors , Two questgivers, and the Badge of Justice vendor / repairer, Smith Hauthaa , Spawn. Additionally, the quests
[70 Daily] The Battle Must Go On and
[70 Daily] The Air Strikes Must Continue replace the earlier quests.
While players are working on retaking the Armory, in Shattrath City , Exarch Nasuun is in the process of creating a portal to the Isle of Quel'Danas. Players who complete [70 Daily] Intercepting the Mana Cells † will aid him in his task. Once the portal has been activated,
[70 Daily] Maintaining the Sunwell Portal replaces this quest, and
[70 Daily] Know Your Ley Lines is activated in the Sanctum.
Порт Сонячного Краю
Sun's Reach Harbor is the third and final location to be reclaimed, along with the Silvermoon's Pride which is moored there. Quests associated with recapturing the Harbor include [70 Daily] Intercept the Reinforcements † and
[70 Daily] Taking the Harbor †. Once the Harbor has been retaken,
[70 Daily] Crush the Dawnblade and
[70 Daily] Keeping the Enemy at Bay may still be completed.
While players are working on retaking the Harbor, work also commences on building a forge and anvil for Smith Hauthaa at the Armory. Players who complete [70 Daily] Making Ready † will aid her task. Once the forge and anvil have been completed,
[70 Daily] Ata'mal Armaments and
[70 Daily] Do not Stop Now .... replace this quest and Hauthaa begins selling her Badge loot.
Алхімічна Лабораторія і Меморіал
Upon reclaiming Sun's Reach in its entirety, Mar'nah is trying to set up an Alchemy Lab for players, which also allows both her and Shaani to set up shop. Completing the quest [70 Daily] Discovering Your Roots † advances this objective. Once the Alchemy Lab has been built, the quests
[70 Daily] Open for Business and
[70 Daily] Rediscovering Your Roots replace Discovering Your Roots, and the reagents vendor, Kaalif , Spawns.
Additionally, the Shattered Sun Offensive will begin to accept donations of gold to construct a statue in honor of the fallen via [70 Daily] A Charitable Donation † and
[70] A Magnanimous Benefactor , The latter of which becomes available at Exalted and allows a player to obtain the title < of the Shattered Sun > In exchange for a donation of 1000
. Once the Memorial has been built, the quest
[70 Daily] Your Continued Support replaces A Charitable Donation for players who are not exalted with the Offensive.
Once all objectives on the Isle have been completed, and an unknown number of additional daily quests have been completed , K'iru spawns and buffs players zone-wide and inside the Magisters 'Terrace with K'iru's Song of Victory , Increasing Stamina by 79 and Intellect by 40.
The Shattered Sun Offensive storyline is unique in WoW as far as gameplay is concerned, as most quests are added or removed based on the completion of server-wide objectives like retaking locations on the Isle of Quel'Danas or activating the Portal to the Isle from Shattrath, and not based on reputation.
Most quests take place solely on the Isle, but a few involve activities elsewhere in Outland . Quests not taking place on the Isle are marked with their zone information below. Once the final phase is reached, there are Shattered Sun Offensive quests taking place in every zone of Outland excluding Zangarmarsh .
Щоденні завдання в Сонячному Краю
Quests are first introduced in the phase designated by their column and either last until the beginning of the phase introducing their replacements if marked by a dagger (†), or are permanently added to the game. The dagger notation is kept throughout the wiki for all links pointing to the removed quests.
Only the quests in the rows designating an objective count towards completing that objective. So, only the quests перехопити підкріплення (ПП) and захоплення гавані (ЗГ), as part of the Порт Сонячного Краю objective, will advance the realm towards Phase 4.
Alternate rows under the "Портал", "Ковадло" і "Монумент" headers are introduced at the same time as their parent phases (Phases 2, 3 and 4, respectively), but track completion separately from the parent phases. Realms on average will complete the alternate (Phase n B) phases before advancing to the next major phase.
Nearly all of the quests in this table are both daily quests , And available at all reputations starting from neutral with the Offensive. The exceptions are щедру пожертву (ЩП), which is a daily quest available until players reach exalted reputation with the Offensive, and великодушний благодійник (ВБ), which is a one-time only quest, available starting in Phase 4, but requires exalted reputation with the SSO to be eligible. These two quests also have a negative amount listed in the ΔGold column , indicating their status as donation quests.
Due to the rather large amount of information in this table, all of the quest names and rewards have been abbreviated to limit the visible size of the table. Simply hover over the link to bring up a tooltip with the full name of the quest and reward information if javascript is enabled. Additionally, the column headers for the phases link to their relevant sections in the Reclaiming Sun's Reach section of the article.
Players performing these daily quests after the Wrath of the Lich King expansion will now see a lower gold return in exchange for experience granted for completing the quests while still under the level cap. The total for all 19 quests (including ЩП but not СБ ) Will grant 208800 experience, 69 , And 4450 reputation.